Overload control techniques are based on adaptive admission control to achieve timing guarantees.

A robust adaptive server model is subject to unknown additive load disturbances and uncertain model matching. We show that an electronic commerce server may be simulated as a multi-tank system. This paper describes a real-time optimization modeling and scheduling approach for performance guarantee of electronic commerce servers. With the increasing importance and pervasiveness of Internet services, it is becoming a challenge for the proliferation of electronic commerce services to provide performance guarantees under extreme overload. Real-Time Robust Adaptive Modeling and Scheduling for an Electronic Commerce Server While in small systems it is usually possible to predict server overload using a subjective human To be able to guarantee good performance, it is necessary to take appropriate measures before a server overload occurs. One of the key factors in customer satisfaction is application performance. Using Pattern Recognition Techniques for Server Overload Detectionīezemer, C.P. This paper answers the following questions: is the existing TCP flow control capable of handling the SIP overload problem? If not, why and how c. Yet all existing SIP overload control work is focused on SIP-over-UDP, despite the fact that TCP is increasingly seen as the more viable choice of SIP transport. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server overload management has attracted interest since SIP is being widely deployed in the Next Generation Networks (NGN) as a core signaling protocol. On TCP-based Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Server Overload Control