It has a thicker shadow than the name texture used by the Forest Medallion. The texture reflects the fact that the Forest Medallion was once a Wind Medallion. The icon is only displayed on the C buttons when the Fairy Bow is combined with fire magic, and thus does not have a name in the inventory screen. This unused Wind Medallion name texture appears in the spot that corresponds to the icon for the Fire Arrows equipped to the Fairy Bow. This file contains textures for the item names that appear on the inventory and equipment screens. As such, this unused texture for the "Navi" action shares its value ( 0A) with the value used by the blank A button. During development, the button said "Navi" instead of being blank, to indicate that this action was possible. In the final game, when the A button is blank, it can be pressed to summon Navi or return her to her hiding place. If all goes well, we shall speak again in warmer climates.This file contains textures for the game's fonts. PS- Some of the Custom works that have been undertaken include several Kirby sheets by Rabbid4240, a few specialized automatons by PringleChampion, punchy pugilists by MF5K, and impressive portraiture by Claire Starsword. With help from all of these submitters and more, like dauntingmountain, WaiseHell, Barack Obama, and blueberrymuffin, I think we stand a good chance of braving this frigid weather and putting winter behind us for another year. Nearby in the Nintendo Switch patch, sar777 has found the beginnings of Grim Guardians graphics. KanaKonpaku claims to have found a Lost World, but Jon Gandee and HIMAJIN would rather stick to the old reliable NES games they've known. Weed666942 went off on a Quest of Cards, and playinful on a Quest for Dragons. Kimono says there's crime out beyond the treeline that must be fought, while Alxala keeps an eye on our Game Boy borders. It may not look like much, but it's important and consistent work, so we thank them for that. TeridaxXD001 is deep in the Virtual Console. To start, Vash has been toiling in the 3DS fields, clearing them of low-level RPG Maker sprites like Slimes and Goblins. In hopes we see March and the warmth she brings, several of us have taken to ripping games for warmth. In that time, the weather has turned spitefully cold, and we fear we must bunker down for the last gasps of winter. Has been nearly a fortnight since we last spoke.